Our BASIC Blog

Why Do I Need a Proofreader?

Why Do I Need a Proofreader?

I get this question a lot from clients and business owners and even from friends who write marketing content in their professions. “Why do I need a proofreader?” It’s always purely rhetorical. And, it always makes me laugh and roll my eyes (even if I’m standing in front of them). The fact is, we all need a second set of eyes to check our writing whether we think we do or not. So, stop rolling your eyes and read on—I promise you’ll learn a thing...

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Using Different Music to End Your Creative Blocks

Using Different Music to End Your Creative Blocks

Creative blocks are annoying. They always seem to appear at the worst time—right at the beginning of a project with a tight deadline. Additionally, they can last scary amounts of time without intervention. It is safe to say almost every creative has experienced a block at some point in their career. Since certain blocks can be rooted in deeper or unresolved issues, they may require the help of a professional. Conversely, if the issue is simply...

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Free Images for Your Business Website and Social Media Posts

Free Images for Your Business Website and Social Media Posts

When advertising or blogging for a business, always make sure to work with legal images. This include images that you have taken or designed yourself, purchased online or from a professional photographer or designer, or have a specific license allowing commercial use without pay. However, even if a website offers free images for use, always check to see if they require acknowledgement in the form of a photo credit or link on your website/post....

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